What is Action Research ?
- A group of research methodologies that persue change and understanding. It is a cyclial process that alternates between action and critical reflection.
- Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research. It is based on the following assumptions :
> Teacher and principals work best on problems they have identified for themselves.
> Teacher and principals become more effective when encouraged to examine and assess their own work and then consider ways of working differently.
> Teacher and principals help each other by working collaboratively.
> Working with colleagues helps teachers and principals in their professional development.
Although there are many types of research that maybe undertaken, action research specifically refers to a disciplined inquiry done by a teacher with the intent that the research will inform and change his or her practices in the future. This research is carried out within the context of the teacher’s environment—that is, with the students and at the school in which the teacher works—on questions that deal with educational matters at hand.
Why Do We Use It ???
- What is the relationship of action research to the education?
- It is grounded in constructivism.
How Does The Process Work ???
- Look at the situation - gather relevant data, define and describe, build a picture to describe the situation. eg : force field analysis ( Stringer, 1999 )
- Think about the situation - explore and analyze, what is happening here, interpret and explain, how and why are things the way they are ( Stringer, 1999 )
- Act - plan eg : develop a logic